Released in 2006 (Black Box Era), this collaboration with Medicom Toy was part of the “3 Bears Pack” alongside “Baby Bear” SB Dunk Low and “Papa Bear” SB Dunk High, marking the first SB Dunk Mid. Despite its hype, its significance as the first SB Dunk Mid is often overlooked. Designed by James Arizumi, known for various iconic SBs, the pack was inspired by the fairytale “Goldilocks and The Three Bears.
The Nike SB Dunk Mid Mama Bear features a Light Umber and Watermelon color scheme with fur texture on the toe box, quarter panel, and collar. It has Green suede overlays, a Pink leather Swoosh, a signature ankle strap, a White midsole, and a Gum rubber outsole.
Limited sizes are available on eBay. Buy now!
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